Delaware Chapter I came about in 1983 when officers, mostly from the Wilmington Department of Police, got together for the purpose of starting a Blue Knight Chapter within our state.
The word quickly spread throughout the various law enforcement agencies in the area and, within a very short time, we submitted our package to the International Office in Maine requesting membership.
We were subsequently chartered on August 22, 1983, with 18 regular members representing 3 police departments. Our current membership represents over 80 law enforcement officers from the following Departments:
State Of Delaware:
Wilmington Police,
New Castle County Police,
Delaware Department of Corrections,
Delaware State Police,
Newark Police,
Delaware River and Bay Authority Police,
Delaware Fire Police,
Delaware Capital Police,
Delaware Dover Police,
Delaware Attorney General’s Office,
State Of Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania State Police,
Philadelphia Police,
Darby Township Police,
State Of Maryland:
Montgomery County Maryland Police,
State Of New Jersey:
New Jersey Department of Corrections,
Ocean City New Jersey Police,
State Of New York:
New York City Police,
Other Law Enforcement Agencies:
Drug Enforcement Administration,
Department of Homeland Security,
Just like all other Blue Knight Chapters, Delaware Chapter I promotes the sport of motorcycling as well as all safety aspects involved with it. In addition, we support local charities with their functions throughout the year.
For the past 39 years, we have hosted our annual Toy Run on the 2nd Sunday of November with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army’s Emergency Housing Center. The current location of this event is Chambers Memorial Hall at Mill Creek Fire Company which is located about 4 miles outside of Wilmington on RT 2.
In addition to our Toy Run, we also host our annual “Ride to the Tide” to benefit the Special Olympics Delaware. This ride is normally held the 3rd Sunday in April.
Blue Knights Delaware, Ckapter-1 is a family oriented law enforcement motorcycle club. We are a dedicated to serving our area as well as other Blue Knight Chapters.
If you are interested in becoming a Blue Knight, please check the criteria for membership on our “Membership Page”, then please contact one of our Board Members via email (check Our Contact Page) and we will gladly get in touch with you.
Our meetings are always held on the first Tuesday of each month at the FOP Lodge, Kitts Hummock, Dover, Delaware. All meetings start at 7:30 PM.
Remember, Safety is always first and Ride With Pride!